
Command line interface

Enter py-rename -h for help

$ py-rename -h

py-rename - Python rename tool for multiple files


Positional arguments:
    rename              rename files based on regex pattern
    match               rename files based on regex pattern
    prefix              prefix filenames with prefix string
    postfix             postfix filenames with prefix string
    lower               convert filenames to lowercase
    replace             replace spaces in filenames to _
    camelcase           convert filenames to camel case

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program version number and exit
  -s, --silent          do not print output (default: False)
  -n, --dryrun          Dry run: print names of files to be renamed, but do not
                        rename (default: False)
  -f, --full            Match only full filename against pattern (default:

Subcommand usage example:

$ py-rename rename -h

Positional arguments:
  pattern      regex pattern to match filenames
  replacement  replacement regex pattern for renamed files

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit


Example 1 - Renaming based on regex

Imagine you have some files awfully named like this:

  • ab12+Red+(0000).txt
  • ab12+Red+(0001).txt
  • ab12+Red+(0002).txt

and you want to rename all of them in manner 01-Red.txt (extracting number from the end and put it at the beginning and shortening it to 2 digits).

Step 1: Test matching pattern

Regex pattern to match those files and extract 2 digit number should be like this: .+(00(d{2})).+

$ py-rename match ".+\(00(\d{2})\).+"
('matched ab12+Red+(0000).txt',)
('matched ab12+Red+(0001).txt',)
('matched ab12+Red+(0002).txt',)
('files matched: 3',)

Step 2: Test replacement pattern using dryrun flag

$ py-rename -n rename ".+\(00(\d{2})\).+" "\1-Red.txt"
Performing DryRun: No actions will be taken
('renaming: ab12+Red+(0000).txt --> 00-Red.txt',)
('renaming: ab12+Red+(0001).txt --> 01-Red.txt',)
('renaming: ab12+Red+(0002).txt --> 02-Red.txt',)
('files matched: 3',)

Step 3: Actual renaming

$ py-rename rename ".+\(00(\d{2})\).+" "\1-Red.txt"
('renaming: ab12+Red+(0000).txt --> 00-Red.txt',)
('renaming: ab12+Red+(0001).txt --> 01-Red.txt',)
('renaming: ab12+Red+(0002).txt --> 02-Red.txt',)
('files matched: 3',)

Example 2 - Add prefix string or postfix string to files

Imagine you have some files named like this:

  • 00-Red.txt
  • 01-Red.txt
  • 02-Red.txt

Add prefix string:

$ py-rename prefix "test_"
('renaming: 00-Red.txt --> test_00-Red.txt',)
('renaming: 01-Red.txt --> test_01-Red.txt',)
('renaming: 02-Red.txt --> test_02-Red.txt',)
('files matched: 3',)

Add postfix string:

$ py-rename postfix "_test"
('renaming: 00-Red.txt --> 00-Red_test.txt',)
('renaming: 01-Red.txt --> 01-Red_test.txt',)
('renaming: 02-Red.txt --> 02-Red_test.txt',)
('files matched: 3',)